Keys to species Chaetomorpha

Chaetomorpha Kutzing

Plants filamentous, unbranched, attached bya a basal holdfast cell; cylindrical or usually somewhat broader above the base, or in the form of more or less entangled free filaments; cells highly multinucleate, usually with firm, often heavy, lamellose walls; asexual reproduction by zoospores formed in slightly enlarged cells; sexual reproduction similar, by isogametes.

Key to the species of Chaetomorpha Kutzing

1. Plants erect, the filaments clearly basally attached
1. Plants of flexuous entangled filaments without specific basal attachment
2. Small epiphytes, the filament 10 - 20 u diam
C. minima
2. Much larger plants several centimeters tall, chiefly growing or rocks
3. Erect filament much broader at the summit than below, reaching 1.5 mm diam.
C. clavata
3. Filament of nearly uniform diameter, except very near the holdfast
4. Filament less than 100 u diam
C. nodosa
4. Filament 100 u diam. or more
5. Basal cells very elongate, 4 - 12 times as long as the next higher cell
5. Basal cell less distinctive, about 2.4 - 4.2 times long as the suprabasal cell
6. Filaments under 100 u diam.
C. gracilis
6. Filaments usually over 100 u diam.
7. Filaments geniculate, 100- 210 u diam.; cells 1-2 diameters long
C. geniculata
7. Filaments without axial deflections
8. Filaments rather stiff, 100 - 375 u diam., cells 0.75 - 5 diameters long
8. Filaments usually rather softer, cells about as long as broad
9. Filaments 80 - 180 u diam.
C. brachygona
9. Filaments 300 - 700 u diam.